here it is, all 281 times. the origin of "f.u.c.k" is hard to determine, but many languages have verbs that are very similar. Let us just say that the movie the big lebowski explores the various forms of this word, from verb to noun, adjective, adverb and so forth ("what have you...") Newsweek did a story on the movie this week - nothing new there for us "Achievers" - we know it all already. One of my students wrote an analysis, suggesting that the cowboy ("you got that whole...cowboy thing...") is really The Dude in an earlier life - that in the past, the Dude was a cowboy, herding the steers, fighting rustlers, and...eh...abiding. I thought this gave a whole new spiritual dimension to the movie, The Dude as a reincarnation of past heros. I gave the guy an A on the paper, probably BS though, but fun reading it. Newsweek's analysis says that the Dude, is broke, lives in poverty, has an aimless life, is drunk or stoned most of the time, and his only recreation is bowling, and that somehow today's college students who are caught up in upwardly mobile lifestyles and expectations see him as the ultimate anti hero - no crap?! Wow! they figured that out! only took them ten years !
The F word is used a lot. I tried to rack my brain and think of what movie had the most F words and I thought of Casino(1995). According to IMDB.com, there are 422 F words in 178 minutes. That is 2.4 per minute. That's virtually less than every 30 seconds on average! If you've ever seen that movie, it is actually a GREAT movie with splendid Acting, direction, cinematography etc etc and even dialogue. You'd figure with such a limited vocabulary that it wouldn't be all that great. Try watching that movie on cable, its a totally different movie.
Also, I got a hold of Sisters. I thought it was pretty good actually. The ending was very controversial and open ended; not to mention very Hitchcockesque like you said. I plan to watch it again to really get a feel for it.
how did you find sisters? I had to buy it....
NetFlix...I highly recommend it!
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