I remember the endless touch and go's I've done as a student pilot and struggling private pilot, but this is amazing, the
Concorde doing a touch and go in the rain at an air show. These pilots are the best. Can you imagine the concentration in the cockpit? the pilot and copilot checking on procedure, the pilot using the rudder to keep the plane straight, and before the front wheel can hit the pavement, they agree, all set, lets take off again. Amazing. I screamed and jumped up and down in my seat when I saw this - must be a pilot thing, or some guy who flies cessna 150's imagining what it must be like to do a touch and go in the Concorde ( like me...).. BTW, Richard Branson of Virgin airlines offered to buy both concordes, (only two i believe were flying when retired because of the paris crash) but the said no. Liability or something I guess. BTW, was in Continental airlines that settled with owners/victims of Concorde because their plane preceding the Concorde take off lost something off wing, the part was on runway, Concorde ran over it, punctured wing, fuel tank, the end. Why the hell didnt they DRIVE a follow me truck over the runway before the Concorde took off to make sure there was no debris on runway (duhhhhh). I saw concorde take off once at Kennedy Airport in NYC - awesome, almost like seeing god (not the God, but one of the gods...)
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