Sunday, December 11, 2011

Former American CIA intelligence officer continues imprisonment

Yes, Manuel Noriega continues his imprisonment, first in Florida, then France, and now back to Panama.  His crimes?  Drug trafficing, murder, pissing off the Bush administration.  Noriega was an important part of our anti communist policies in Latin America, after all, our Canal (even though we gave it to the panamanians during the Carter Administration) couldnt fall into commie hands.  But things change, and Noriega actually thought he was an independent ruler and not owned by the US.  So we invaded, which gave Bush a chance to test new military hardware (the B1 bomber, the B2 bomber - both of which were failures during the invasion and not needed to begin with), and then faulty intelligence led to the deaths of an entire SEAL team (they were supposed to kidnap Noriega at an airport but walked into a heavily armed camp and were basically ambushed by poor intelligence - they fought bravely but were decimated) and once the invasion looked bad, Noriega became an even worse bad guy.  When we buy a foreign leader, they are supposed to stay bought.  One of his charges was rape - imagine, the US Congress charging someone with rape, with all the sex going on in Congress they actually fantasize about a rape in Panama - and Noriega killed 11 officers to tried to stage a coup (probably with CIA backing, our former CIA agent was killing our latest CIA agents).  So our man in Panama became a pariah, and as a signal to other leaders of central america we bought off, we imprisoned him and now he heads back to Panama for another prison sentence.  We backed some really evil people during the cold war, were responsible for deaths and misery around the world to protect our "freedoms," and i think Noriega is long overdue for a US Government pension and a Section 8 apartment in Miami.  Aren't we providing million $ pensions to the Bush presidents now that they are out of power?

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