Sunday, May 04, 2008

O bama as RFK - Hillary as Hubert Humphrey

I am fed up. What is Sen. Clinton thinking? First, she says Obama is elitist because he says working people are bitter and that causes them to cling to their religion, guns, church. In 1969 i was a freshman at a lutheran college, and my theology class had cases in faith, one being a mom and dad who were confused by protests, by racial desegregation, by the women's movement, and switched churches to a fundamentalist lutheran church : their bitterness turned them to embrace things in their lives they felt they could control, or were rock solid. Sociologists and political Scientists have been analyzing this since 1970's. So is Hillary like dumb or something? of course not, she knows what obama is referring to. She wants to characterize him as "elitist" in order to hurt him, spin him wrong. She knows what he is talking about: her attack is so phoney, and she knows it, she wants to manipulate voters and prey on their prejudices.

Here is Bobby Kennedy's speech abridged: He acknowledged that the effort may have been “doomed from the start” and admitted that the South Vietnamese governments, which his brother’s administration had supported, had been “riddled with corruption, inefficiency, and greed,” adding, “If that is the case, as it may well be, then I am willing to bear my share of the responsibility, before history and before my fellow citizens. But past error is no excuse for its own perpetration. Tragedy is a tool for the living to gain wisdom Now, as ever, we do ourselves best justice when we measure ourselves against ancient texts, as in Sophocles [from Antigone]: ‘All men make mistakes, but a good man yields when he knows his course is wrong, and he repairs the evil.’ The only sin, he said, is pride.”

Why can't sen clinton say something like that? She was wrong voting for the Iraq resolution, she did it so she could get re elected and it was wrong. Instead we get her bullshit and traditional politics.

Sen Clinton's machine is out to destroy Obama. She supports the prejudice shown in the PA primary: retired pennsylvanians voted predominately for Sen Clinton: its not that they are retired ( as the stupid news analysts tell us) it is that they are from an older generation - they voted against obama not because they are retired but because they are from a generation that is racially intolerant. So Sen Clinton is hoping that old racists will help her win in Indiana primary.

I am so sick of this. Sen Clinton might win the nomination, but she is not electable. Her negatives are too high. There is no way i would support her given her destruction of Obama - he is the better candidate, he is the bobby kennedy of today, and she is the hubert humphrey who will stop him and end in defeat.

My prediction: a Sen Clinton nomination, a democratic party torn apart, Sen McCain ( a good decent man) will get elected, and Sen Clinton will be a pariah, the person who destroyed the party, and hopefully a new demo party will be built from the ashes.

This is a slow train wreck. I don't know why the Demo party hasn't stopped this, other than that the Clinton's have so many insiders in the party they can't even save the party to spite themselves.

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