Time mag is BS. Here are the mistakes Hillary made. (1) voting for the Iraq war resolution. If insignificant me knew in 2002 that George W. and ghouls were planning to invade Iraq, why didn't Hillary and Bill know that, with all their DC insider connections. Yes, she knew George W. was going to invade Iraq, that's why she voted for the resolution. She knew he would somehow tie Iraq to 911 and the war on terror. She didn't want to be seen as "Weak" on the war against terror when she came up for re election in 2006, and she had to be re elected if she was going to run for President in 2008. So mistake number one: she went against her principles and made an opportunistic vote about GOING TO WAR for god's sake! (2) Time said she didn't know how much funds could be raised over internet. You got to be kidding me. Howard Dean knows how to raise money over the internet - is her brain turned off? How stupid are her advisors and campaign organizers? (3) She didn't understand the proportional delegate selection system. Again, what is her problem? Read the fu**king rules before you play the game. (4) She didn't take caucuses seriously. Again, give me a break. Every delegate counts, one by one, they add up to the magic number you need to get the nomination. Caucuses are taken seriously by long shot candidates: the front runner needs to take them seriously too. (5) Her stump speeches: her voice is annoying. Some journalist says she sounds like the assistant principal of your middle school giving an announcement over the loud speaker at 7:30 am during homeroom. Go to a speech coach. Take some lessons from actors about how to address an audience (she has this tendency to shake her head "no" when she is saying how much we need something (if we need something so much, why is she shaking her head "no"?) (6) her husband Bill. This is a guy who supposedly raped one of his campaign workers while he was campaigning gor Governor of Arkansas. Lock him up. keep him out of sight. (7) Top down campaign. Since Jimmy Carter won Iowa in 1976, everyone knows that a bottom up campaign is what you need. Everyone except Hillary. (8) her senate race. She easily won the Senate in 2000 despite the impeachment trial of her husband. that is because she ran in a state known for electing liberals and intellectuals (Patrick Moynihan was the incumbent who retired). The USA ain't new york. (9) Her phoney issues: cutting the federal tax on gas is BS, everyone knows it. It would drive up gas prices, people would lose jobs, there is no way she is going to tax oil companies $8 billion, Congress would not pass that, Prez would not sign it. What happened to the gas tax issue now? Is she introducing it to the Senate? Nothing. It was a phoney election day idea. She has forgotten it now. No kidding, as if everyone didn't realize that. (10) Her attacks on "elite" Obama. No one can take that seriously. She calls someone else an "elite?" That's like Genghis Khan calling someone a Mongol (wait, that's insulting to Genghis Khan). She was perceived as calculating and phoney. Finally, the election analysis is dead wrong. in pennsylvania, supposedly she won it because "workers" and "retired people" liked her ideas. No. Racial intolerance has an inverse relationship with education: the more education a person has, the less racially intolerant they are. The less education a person has, the more intolerant they are. "Working people" in Pennsylvania are most disproportionately white, and racially intolerant. Retired people are from an older generation, a generation where "African Americans" were Negroes (or worse). She won Pennsylvania because of the white vote. thats it. Obama needs to connect with lower educated, lower income whites: he has to in order to win. So that's my analysis. Some reporters are saying Hillary is staying in the race to slowly get her supporters prepared for her to endorse Obama: she must convince her supporters to support Obama and not be pissed off. I don't think so. That is giving Hillary too much credit for being a loyal democrat and wanting McCain defeated. I think she is so narcissistic that she can't believe she isn't winning. Besides, if Obama loses in November, then McCain would be up for re election in 2012, and he would be 76 yrs old (if he lives that long). Hillary has her eyes set on 2012 - she wants Obama to lose. She doesn't care if more people die in Iraq because of it - she voted for the damn war to begin with, for her re election and her Presidential aspirations.
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