The Republican party quit Arlen Spector - Sen Trent Lott and Pres George W Bush did not treat arlen very well. Arlen thought the clinton impeachment was a waste of time, he voted not guilty, then after Trent Lott threatened him on TV (yes, it was televised without sound, Lott angry, sticking finger in Arlen's chest, obviously cursing him) Arlen voted "not proven" on the next article of impeachment. president bush treated Arlen like he had an infectious disease while battling cancer, there is a picture of bush standing away from Arlen, it was obvious he didnt want to be close to him. Then Pat Toomey is again running in primary against Arlen - Toomey just might win, many Republicans switched registration in 2008 (we are a closed primary state, you have to register with a party to vote in that party's primary)and Arlen thinks this time Toomey would win. Toomey however, is nuts, would never win a state wide race. so Pennsylvania will have another democratic senator, whether Arlen switches parties or not. Arlen will easily win re election. Toomey is destroying the republican party in Pennsylvania. The right wing conservatives, the evangelical southern baptists, have made Republican party the minority party. The republicans so called southern strategy has resulted in making the party more conservative, less inclusive. Republicans won over the southern states votes in national elections, but it has destroyed the Republican party in the process.
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