I finally saw Schindler's List, it is a long movie, i think Steven Spielburg's masterpiece. My great grandfather, Isaac, was a jew, but I dont see myself as jewish, and would not be considered jewish by even the most liberal or reformed Rabbi. I see orthodox jews in squirrel hill, with their hats, their curls, and they look very medieval. A tribe unto themselves. I wonder how jews were seen in Poland, with their separate villages, their "Shtetls" - Nonetheless, i have a strange affinity for jewish people, for example, I feel very comfortable in squirrel hill, almost "at home," whenever I see a jewish temple, i smile inside, like there is some kind of familiarity. I have always wanted to go to Israel. so i guess there is some jewish DNA in me, and I get very reactionary whenever someone makes a jew joke, or whenever I hear someone blame something on jews, like 911. Anyway, I have never seen Schindler's list, because i thought "oh no, another movie about the holocaust." Actually this IS the movie about the holocaust. The transformation of Schindler was remarkable - its as though the movie presented the worst side of human beings, but then, Schindler makes this amazing transformation - no matter how horrible human beings can behave, there is always a sparkle of goodness - Schindler becomes a real "mensch" in the face of human cruelty. The end of the movie is amazing - the descendants and survivors all pay respects to Schindler's grave in Jerusalem. Beautiful. Shalom.
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