Monday, December 05, 2005

Paradise Now

Paradise Now
Originally uploaded by recyclingfan.
This film is amazing, and very controversial. No, it does not defend suicide bombers. It shows the plight of Said (Sy - eid) who hates his life in the West Bank, who is unsatisfied with his job as a mechanic in a auto repair/ junk yard, who is not interested in marrying or having a family, who is depressed and desperate about his life. His father was executed as a collaborator, he hates the Israeli Defense forces, doesnt think there is really paradise after death - he doesnt care about paradise, even nothingness would be better than his current life. His friend Khaled begins to question whether suicide bombing is effective, is the right thing to do. Ok, jews are portrayed in this film as affluent and overweight, or materialistic (bikinis on the beach) or as collaborators themselves (any thing for a buck - a jewish couple arranges to drive them to Tel Aviv for money I guess). But this does not glamorize or glorify terrorism. There is no music in the film - there is silence at the end. The director wants us to make sense of this. The ending was terrifying - the audience sat there for several minutes before anyone could move. Shocking is a good word to describe this film. I almost cried at the end - how do we create a world like this? We humans are absolutely terrifying when it comes to how we treat each other, the types of communities we create.

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