Sunday, February 25, 2007

Jaguar shot to death

A jaguar attacked a zookeeper who wasnt supposed to be in its space, and when the zoo keeper was rescued the cat threatened the rescuers so it was shot. The story suggests the zookeeper was new, just trained. Also absent is why the cat wasnt sedated instead of killed: the only gun they had wasnt a tranquillizer gun? Jorge the jaguar was in the zoo for two years, was supposed to "mate" with a new female jaguar. I think Zoos generally are brutal places - some absolutely horrible. I enjoy seeing the Siberian tiger at the pittsburgh zoo, but feel sorry for him, being confined in such a small space (but Ive seen worse). Of course I feel bad for the zoo worker (you go to work only to be mauled to death? horrible!). Maybe they should close the zoo. Or stop keeping jaguars. But then again, without zoos, could some species vanish? I am not an expert. Here isa picture of Jorge the Jaguar.

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