Friday, February 25, 2005

Iraq War Casualties Exceed Revolutionary War

We are at the point where casualties in the Iraq war have exceeded those for the Revolutionary War. So far in Iraq as of today, there have been 1.480 deaths (combat and accidental) and 11,069 injuries, for a total of 12,549 casualties. Given our exceptional ability to provide first aid to our troops, the deaths have been kept down. In the Revolutionary War, there were 4,435 deaths and 6,188 injured, for a total of 10,623 casualties. Our Iraq war total is also more than the casualties for the War of 1812 and the Spanish American War. Of concern is the number of wounded who are severely injured - head wounds especially. Soldiers with head wounds who are in comas (or even brain dead) have presented their families with a terrible decision - their soldier son or daughter is alive, but will never "return." So much for modern medicine. The Soviets were in the Afghanistan War for nine years before they withdrew, and we have been in Iraq now for almost two years. Retired military colonels have been in the news saying that the Iraq War is a stalemate (!) Iraq is a mess, if anything the war has destabilized the region and has turned Iraq into a recruiting tool, a destination point and a haven for terrorists. And Iran may have a nuclear weapon. So much for stability in the middle east.

1 comment:

Noah said...

It is interesting to put it all in perspective. Lets go bomb Iran! Oh, easy their Mr bush.