Wednesday, June 06, 2007

The Iceman; murdered

Here is the final word on how the Iceman, the bronze age man found in switzerland, was killed. I have often expressed that this man should be buried, perhaps replicating what we think his tribe would have provided for him as a burial ritual. Most people think that's nuts...but doesnt he deserve some dignity in death? They researched him enough, now please bury the man, say a pagan prayer and lay him to rest....

A prehistoric hunter known as Oetzi whose well-preserved body was found on a snow-covered mountain in the Alps died more than 5,000 years ago after being struck in the back by an arrow, scientists said in an article published Wednesday.

Researchers from Switzerland and Italy used newly developed medical scanners to examine the hunter's frozen corpse to determine that the arrow had torn a hole in an artery beneath his left collarbone, leading to a massive loss of blood.

That, in turn, caused Oetzi to go into shock and suffer a heart attack, according to the article published online in the Journal of Archaeological Science.

Even today, the chances of surviving such an injury long enough to receive hospital treatment are only 40 percent, according to the article.

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