Monday, June 11, 2007

talk like a pirate day

Wednesday Sept 19th is Talk like a Pirate Day: here are some expressions to get you going:

"Arrrgh-Bring me a servin' wench to bid me me pleasures!"
"Argh-lad, is that Lee Elliott over there - or am I as mad as a salted herring?"
"Bast yer eyes upon me?"

"Avast! A Team Builders meeting off our schedule's port bow! Scuttle yer productivity, mateys, and prepare to be bored-ed!"
"No increase in me pay? Arrr, boss, let me tell ye where ye can store that hook!"
"Hold that elevator, ye whoreson bilge rat!"
"Ye bent my ear with yer lubberly questions WITHOUT tryin a reboot first? Arrr! It's the plank for you, ye mangy cur... and thank ye for calling Microsoft Tech Support!"
"Avast, ya scurvy knave! Brave be ye, for certain, but arrr ye willin' ta die fer that parking spot?"
"Aye, if it's a large treasure chest and amazin' booty ye seek, fix yer gaze upon the receptionist."
"Boss, I'll be borrowin' a coupla doubloons from petty cash fer some Ho Ho's and a bottle of rum."
"Aaaarrrrrghhh! Who among us floated the air mead?"
"Avast, ye demon copy machine! Taste the wrath of my arse!"

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