Friday, November 02, 2007

10 yr old boy started california fires...yeah, sure

here is a lame story about a 10 yr old boy playing with matches, supposedly he started the california wild fires. There are so many ways that fire could have started. The problem is drought and global warming. The problem is that wildfires are natural phenomena. The real question is why people build houses in areas in which wildfires are natural, and why we try to fight fires that normally occur in nature? Its this obsession we have with controlling nature - we are part of nature, not in control of it. What really gets me is the shallow journalism evidenced in the article - the idea that some ONE person must be responsible. Of course, its a 10 yr old boy -"where are his parents?!" Yet another story of poor discipline. Its almost as though the story perpetuates a myth not only about wildfires (that they are not natural and have some sinister human cause) but also about poorly behaved children (children need more discipline....). Maybe the author of the story should do some research on wildfires - what a brainless story.

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