Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Hillary Clinton and change

What annoys me about Hillary's campaign is her vote on the Iraq resolution. You remember, in 2002, just before the congressional mid term elections, Bush was pushing for his Iraq resolution that would allow him to use military force against Iraq to uphold UN sanctions. What a coincidence that the vote was right before congressional elections! Karl Rove planned it that way - fact. Because of the 1973 War Powers Act, supposedly the President needs congressional approval for military action more than 60 days in duration - supposedly, that is, since the Supreme Court has never heard a case challenging the legality of this congressional act. Anyway, Hillary voted FOR the resolution. Now anyone with a brain turned on knew what was happening: Bush (Karl Rove that is) wanted to beat the war drums before the election, and anyone not voting for it would be "weak" on the war against terror - dont forget, this was back when Bush would mention 911 everytime he would mention Saddam Hussein. Clinton should have said wait, Iraq did not attack us, Iraq is weak from 10 years of sanctions, Osama Bin Laden attacked us, because he had haven in the failed state of Afghanistan, which is a failed state because the US didnt care what happened to Afghanistan after the Soviet got kicked out. But instead she voted for it, because she was up for re election in 2006 - and she HAD to get reelected if she wanted to run for president in 2008 (yes, politicians think this ruthlessly ahead). So here she is, saying SHE is the candidate for change - she has not shown any tendency for change in the us Senate, if anything, she has tried to appear moderate to conservative to line up her Presidential run. Fact is, her involvement in the Pres race PREVENTS newer candidates among the Democrats to be heard: that is, her involvment in the Pres race PREVENTS candidates with the message of change to be heard. If anyone reading this has an opportunity to vote in a democratic primary soon, Please dont vote for Hillary - vote for some other democratic candidate that has a new message.

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