Saturday, May 31, 2008

Joe McDoakes: everyman of the film shorts!

The Joe McDoakes series of short film lasted 14 yrs, from 1942 to 1956, always starring George O'Hanlon as the harassed Joe. I just saw "So you won a free vacation" on AMC, laughed so hard. Here is "so you want to be in pictures" which I havent seen but it gives you an idea of the series. Joe is the all american guy, hard working, honest, believes in the goodness of others, and he always gets screwed! His wife is constantly criticizing him, complaining, nothing he does is good enough or ever works out, but he is such a nice guy. i mean you know how every short film will end, with Joe getting screwed again, but he is so lovable you still like him and appreciate his positive attitude regardless of the crap life hands him. He is also the voice of George jetson, the TV cartoon series. His son followed him in movies. The above you tube video has a cameo appearance by Ronald Reagan.

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