Wednesday, June 10, 2009

There will be Blood

I didn't like this movie. yes, the acting was great. the meaning of the film? Sin. Man estranged from god. Remind you of anyone???? Moby Dick. Captain Ahab. So this was basically Captain Ahab drilling for oil and destroying himself with his obsession for control over his own destiny (without god). I really didn't like it. it was too long. the theme too familiar (moby dick for cripes sake...) And none of the characters were sympathetic - there was no Ishmael, or Quequeb. Remember when Ishmael is in bed, and Quequeb arrives? "Lookie here, me sleepy here, you sleepy there, you sabe?" "Me sabe plenty!" However, i did enjoy the "I drink your milk shake, I suck it up!" part. SNL does a skit about that - "I drink your milk shake!" I love that line.

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