Friday, July 01, 2011

Common Cold - Day 8

This is day 8 of my cold, still congested, fatigued.  Colds last 7-10 days so i am waiting for this to be over.  i haven't been sick for over a decade, so i guess my time was up.  Don't know what kind of virus this is but it is something i obviously have not been exposed to before.  BTW, viruses prove evolution if you define evolution as adaptation (which the textbooks do) - cold viruses mutate constantly, so once your B cells recognize one type of virus it morphs into another kind and the body just doesn't have the antibodies T cells to kill it.  It takes the body a while to recognize the new virus and get rid of it.  Remember in 2008, the Republican Pres primaries,  candidates were asked who doesn't "believe" in evolution and half of them raised their hands?  and i bet at least one of them had a cold at the time.  Idiots.......

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