Saturday, November 05, 2011

Presidential race 2012 should be close? I dont think so.....

Obviously the Presidential race is heating up and candidates are seriously positioning themselves for the upcoming primaries - even sarah palin got a face life, so to speak, getting those nursing boobs photogenic - does this mean she plans to enter the race now?  So will the race be close?  the alleged news sources all say it will be a close, and negative race.  I agree about the negative part - already the racism is in full gear (google Presidential race 2012 images) and all the republicans are going far right with fear and nutty accusations.  So Obama will be the voice of reason, he will remain calm, unemployment will be lower, the stock market will be higher (esp when it is clear Obama will cruise to another term) the troops will be home from Iraq, the dems will have a convention love fest of unity, while the republicans will host the tea party nuts, allow crazy people to speak (remember GHWB #41's renomination convention, and the nut cases they allowed to speak?  It was like the a bunch of snake handling southern white trash preachers taking over the party).  So i anticipate an easy re election.  the real question is what will happen to the republican party after 2012 - it will have to reinvent itself, since the radical religious right will have made the republican party unelectable on the national level (although they will continue to win senate and house races).

so have you read this analysis anywhere? of course not.  that would mean these republican candidates are losers, there is no point in watching their train wreck, that would mean less to cover (esp since Kim Kardashian's wedding is over) so they have to create interest in the election by selling the american people a bunch of bullshit stories, backed up by paid political operatives who also have a hidden agenda (act as consultants to these losers to make money off them).

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