Tuesday, December 05, 2006

911 Conspiracy and South Park

South Park explains the whole 911 conspiracy! Why do people believe 911 was a conspiracy? "Because 1/4 of the American people are retarded" explains President Bush! I was recently at a College Democrats meeting and someone (an older man, not a student) Pres. Bush and Israel were behind the 911 attacks, that WT towers were brought down with demolition explosions.So I said, "3,000 people are dead and you blame the Jews?!" And he said, "Its no coincidence that the landlord of WT was Jewish, AND he had an insurance policy on the buildings." So I said, "So you have a home owners policy on your house, and if saudi arabian terrorists fly a plane into your house, you must obviously be part of a conspiracy?" And at that point someone interrupted and changed the subject. I think poeple are so full of fear, so overwhelmed by reality, that they have to make up elaborate explanations to reassure themselves that the world is under their control. Add some anti-semitism to it, and 911 conspiracy is created. So watch this video and you'll find out who REALLY is behind 911, and who took a dump in the South Park elementary urinal! Once again, South Park parodies American culture, in their own funny, obscene fashion.

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