Sunday, December 31, 2006

Saddam's death

I am disgusted with how we portray Saddam Hussein. Are there worse tyrants in the world? Of course. Search the web and learn about the Belgian Congo - talk about a history of violence, exploitation and misery! What about the genocide that happened in Bosnia, Rwanda, and Darfur without the US doing anything to stop it? My problem with Saddam is not with what he did (ruthless cruel evil dictator) but its how our country has behaved. Showing him after his capture to humiliate him was followed by showing him in his underwear - same thing. Then the phoney trial with the verdict: guilty! What a surprise! And then the hanging, captured of course on videotape. What kind of country are we? Are we as barbarous as Saddam? How many innocent people have been killed since our invasion, compared to how many Saddam killed? Can we question whether or not George W. Bush is as big a war criminal as Saddam? Gen. Garner once said that you have to measure your success in war by the following question you ask yourself every night: will I have fewer enemies in the morning? Ok, so we went to sleep friday night, with Saddam's execution pending, as we ask ourselves, will we have fewer enemies in the morning after Saddam has been executed? Of course not. We now have more enemies.


Sheena said...

Isn't it strange how once somebody has a reputation in the media... it's almost impossible to change....

Dude said...

I agree Sheena - maybe Saddam should have hired Karl Rove for a media makeover?!