Tuesday, December 19, 2006

More troops!

"I'm inclined to believe that we do need to increase our troops — the Army, the Marines," Bush said in the Oval Office session. " I teach an introductory cother american government courses what bud lite is to budwieser. One thing I explain to students is that the war on terror differs from convention war, because there are no mass troops. Could someone please explain that to Pres. Bush?! Even the military generals don't think more troops in Iraq will help. We tried that before: wasn't effective. The only way out is through negotiations with Syria and Iran, and that means admitting that we lost. Almost 3,000 troops lost, 30,000 injured, many severely, and the end result is that Syria and Iran are stronger regional powers. What a complete mess. I still can't get over the big Rumsfeld farewell event: Bush is lost in a bubble. Hezbollah is still in southern Lebanon, Gaza is a mess, Hamas is gaining strength - we screw up in Iraq and we make it even worse for Israel! And this will get worse.

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