Monday, December 19, 2011

The best holiday gift? Oakmont's Police Chief says "Forgiveness" - fantastic!

My blogs recently have been awful, nasty and cynical.  so here is a happy one: Oakmont's police chief wrote his most recent column in the community newsletter entitled "The Best Holiday Gift? Forgiveness!"  Here is an excerpt:

As this holiday is upon us I reflect on the act of forgiveness as a special gift which can be given at this holiday law enforcement we are privy to much of the pain which our community members endure.  I hope that in this holiday season many of you will decide to lay down the bad feelings you have for others, release the burden of hate and resentment, and make a fresh start in the New Year by the simple act of forgiveness...while  forgiveness may lift a burden from someone else, its main power lies in the release of burden from the one who forgives...."

Wow. Unexpected.  I really am impressed by this message, a good one from law enforcement.  You know, police officers in Pennsylvania are actually called "peace officers" (The PA state police are called that as enacted in law by Gov. Pennypacker last century).  And i agree with Chief DiSanti, forgiveness can lead to peace, and lift a burden from a family and community.  Thanks Chief DiSanti for a wonderful holiday message, brilliant !  

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