Monday, December 19, 2011

Calista helps Newt to achieve patriotism

"There's no question at times of my life, partially driven by how passionately I felt about this country, that I worked far too hard and things happened in my life that were not appropriate," said Gingrich during an interview with CBN's David Brody. He was screwing Calista because of his patriotism.  I love it.  Gingrich has also said in the past that Clinton's impeachment was not about Clinton having extra marital sex, but LYING about it.  So its ok to screw around on your spouse, as long as you don't lie about it under oath, and God will forgive you (not understand you, but forgive you).  Never since Joseph Goebbels have we had someone so good using language to manipulate truth, emotions, and passion.  He also says in interview that we are under "attack" on two fronts, one, a Godless, atheistic secularism, and second, radical Islam:  and BOTH want to destroy our civilization. The pics show Calista as a young Congressional intern (a virgin from Luther College, even though she is Roman Catholic - hey wait - if they are Catholic, then they don't practice birth control, so why no kids?  have they used abortion as birth control? someone call the Pope) and as an angry bird looking for prey. Nice face lift BTW, hopefully the sutures will hold and her face won't fall down during a press conference.  One last thing: she gave him oral sex in his car?  I mean they had to meet somewhere - supposedly during their decade plus affair they had sex in his car-limo. (this post is beginning to sound like a letter to Penthouse....) 

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