Sunday, December 11, 2011

there may be 500,000 "earths" in our galaxie alone: "Beam me up Scotty!"

seems like scientists now believe there is life off of earth, at least half million planets in our galaxy that could support life as we know it (or don't know it?). In the words of james Tafficant, former congressman from Ohio, "Beam me up Scotty!"  he used to say that on the floor of the House, in the Congressional Record.  He quoted Star Trek in the House of Representatives.  James is out of prison (bribery, election fraud) and looking to run for elective office, might i suggest Republican Nomination for President?  He could join the other nut cases who are running.  Actually his quote was "Beam me up, there is no intelligent life here."  BTW, he received 15% of the vote in a Congressional election in 2002, while he was in prison.  

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