Saturday, December 31, 2011

Sen. Jane Orie of Pennsylvania - soon to be convict

This is Jane Orie, a state senator from PA.  Her sister is an elected judge.  Jane used state funds to employ her relatives (not a crime, its common) but not only did they not do the work they were hired to do but they engaged in campaign re election work.  She is on trial, calls the trial a vendetta against her family, the prosecutor is also elected and has had a family in PA politics.  At her trial Jane's attorney introduced evidence, clearly doctored, and the judge declared a mistrial.  It wasn't looking good for Jane, former staff members testifying against her to avoid prosecution themselves, and so she and her lawyer attempted to fool the judge with forged evidence.  The forgery was pathetic, easily recognized and the judge declared a mistrial.  Now she is facing another trial, with additional charges, but she can keep her lawyer the judge ruled (the lawyer is being investigated as well).  She is going to jail, for sure.  She has changed her hair style, from the Snooki puff to straight hair, i can't find a current photo to post, but she doesn't look so scary anymore.  But she is going to jail for sure.  Her sister probably won't get re elected.  the Orie family is out of politics.  Jane is the author of a bill that will regulate abortion clinics according to laws for health care clinics, which might mean some clinics will close due to increased costs, staffing.  Jane says its to prevent sleazy abortion clinics like the one operating in Philadelphia, but her hidden agenda is anti abortion.  Our right wing Governor Tom "frackin' Tom" Corbett will sign it into law.

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