Thursday, November 03, 2005

london bridge walkway: order out of chaos!

london bridge
Originally uploaded by recyclingfan.
Almost immediately upon opening to the public, the London Bridge Walkway noticably swayed. Engineers investigated. Turns out, the bridge was built assuming that everyone would walk in a random fashion over it. However, studies reveal that pedestrians unconsciously walk in unison: we unconsciously walk in order, bringing what engineer calls "order out of chaos." In other words, the bridge was built according to chaos theory; however, humans do not like chaos, they like order. I find this fascinating because I have a background in political statistics (I teach the introductory doctoral social science stat's course for Indiana Univ of Pennsylvania's PhD program in Admin and Leadership studies) and I always tell my students that "ours is a probabilistic universe." meaning that there is no true randomness: randomness is only an abstract concept. There is order everywhere, and it is called "probability." I encountered this years ago when I needed to use a random number generator with a main frame computer: the computer operator asked me, "how random do you want it?" Turns out, there are different random number generators, some more random than others. I thought that was mind blowing: there is no true randomness. there is order everywhere, even when you try to generate random numbers, there is order. I tested this at the univ of michigan, where I constructed variance-covariance matrices out of random numbers: there was always eigenvalues, or a statistical representation of variance (order) however slight. As I explain to my students, "anything is possible, however some things are more probable than others."

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