Saturday, April 15, 2006

New US embassy in Baghdad

Originally uploaded by recyclingfan.
The US is building a $1 billion embassy in Baghdad, on 104 acres, in downtown area. I guess this will be known as fortress America, or the new Alamo. Of course, the republican congress approved the budget. I cant get over the sheer waste of spending by the federal government - this administration is supposedly conservative, yet they engage in unrestricted spending. The deficit is higher than ever. What does this tell iraqis? That the REAL government is not iraqi, but American? This is the largest and most fortified US embassy in the world. It has its own electricity and water/sewage system - the whole Iraq country could stop functioning, and our new embassy wouldnt sense it. Those working at the embassy (60% of employees will be security) never have to leave: it is self contained. I cant imagine any Iraqi's being employed there. We are no different that the British empire, when they ran India and the middle east. Of course, there are private companies building the embassy: you guessed it, the embassy is under contract to a Kuwait company, who subcontracts to republican cronies. Its the no bid contract system again: graft, corruption, fraud. The Bush administration is as dishonest as Nixon, and is as corrupt as Warren Harding. And, Americans have elected these people TWICE! They could have gotten rid of him in 2004, but re elected him by over 3 million votes (ok, the election in the Electoral College was closer, it came down to 130,000 votes in Ohio). Our obsession with the mafia on film and tv (sopranos) is that it reminds us of our government: organized crime run by syndicate families.

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