Friday, April 14, 2006


Originally uploaded by recyclingfan.
incredible movie from south africa. Tsotsi means "thug" and the the main character is that: he was a homeless child who grew up in storm sewers outside of Soweto. He now heads a gang of marginal criminals. he carjacks a woman's car, shoots her, turns out her baby is in back seat. he decides to keep the baby. he begins a journey of self discovery. This thug eventually completes his spiritual journey at the end: he is a criminal, but becomes human. Incredible story: what is the nature of mankind? Are we loving caring creatures by nature? What turns us into thugs? Can we be redeemed? Is redemption important, even if we spend the rest (most, say 30 yrs) of our life in prison? What is the purpose of our be redeemed, to find serenity, peace? Very powerful movie. If you watch this, remember ITS ONLY A MOVIE. No one really gets knifed, beaten, the dog doesnt get kicked and has its back broken, the mother really isnt paralyzed ITS ONLY A MOVIE but reflect upon the spiritual message. Jesus! (really, jesus). Great movie. Absolutely. Hey I almost deleted my blog on Moussaoui but someone commented on it - check it out!

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