Thursday, April 20, 2006

Pres. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran

Here are a number of observations about Iran. (1) They dont have nuclear weapons. It will be years before they do, if they want. (2) they have no way of delivering nuclear weapons. they have missles, but they cant reach the USA (3) there is no reason why iran would want a war with the usa - what would be the purpose? (4) a it on Israel from Iran would be WWIII - they wont do it (5) they live in a dangerous part of the world. Iran is surrounded by nuclear powers: Russia, Pakistan, India and yeah, the USA: we have nukes on our carriers off their coast. The press in USA has gone over the top covering stories about Iran: its as if they are the new global threat to USA. They are not. The US is the worlds largest arms supplier, the largest holder of weapons of mass destruction, the biggest aggressor. The US press reports are awful. This guy Mahmoud is his own worst enemy: he needs to shave, tone down the rhetoric, wear a tie, maybe talk a bit about how Islam is a spiritual movement - I think he is playing to the radicals in his government, he gets points for demonizing the USA. Then again, US presidents always got points for demonizing Iraq (Bush, Clinton, and Bush again). What this guy needs is to hire james Carville as his political consultant: Jim would make this guy more likeable, less extreme. We need allies in middle east, not create enemies. We need to figure out what to do about the 1.5 million Palestinian refugees - how to find them a place to live, return somehow to Israel (not all of them) find them economic opportunities - in short, we need peaceful and prosperous Israel and palestine and the middle east would be a different place. I know how to make this happen: why dont those bastards in the Bush admin call me so I can solve their global problems??? (just kidding - but yeah, solutions are out there, just not on the table).

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