Friday, July 31, 2009

Movie: "Seraphine"

a movie about Seraphine Louis, an expressionist painter 100 yrs ago, who lived in poverty while painting in her off time. She is self taught, or a "primativist" and is not discovered until after her death. The film looks really good, about love and squalor. I am not familiar with her work, but attached is one of her paintings, really beautiful. I always thought that the great impressionist masters were students of art, but their success was their ability to go beyond what they were taught. So a self taught painter, is by nature, someone not influenced by mainstream art styles. Right? Or am i missing something.

BTW, I presume to appreciate art, but i like what i like, am not an expert. But I can distinguish between low art (you buy it because the color fits your wall, or the size fits your bathroom wall) and art art that you can't stop looking at. I still remember being in National Gallery, in the room with Cubist paintings, I stood in the middle and turned 360 degrees, of all the paintings, one stood out. I walked up to it and.... Picasso. What a coincidence that in a room of cubist art, one painting is so distinctive. (!?) I'll type more about the movie when i see it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Saw the film recently, was looking for some of her paintings and opened your blog (?). Just wanted to correct: She was discovered during her lifetime by Wilhelm Uhlde and also sold some of her pictures.
In the end she became made and through out all her gained money.
Oh and she lived until 1942 so not that long ago.
Sry, had to correct that :/ But you're right.: A painting I cant get my eyes off. The right description.

good night