Sunday, June 15, 2008

Biking on Father's day

top picture is Brewer's Bar and Restaurant, across from Pittsburgh Brewing Company where Iron City Beer is made, then a close up of the Brewer's Bar and Hotel, looks grim but I didn't have the nerve to go in and order a boilermaker (beer with a shot of whiskey dropped in the mug - pittsburghers drink real man's drink, none of this white wine wussy crap) - then comes a bike lane on Liberty Ave. looking westward toward strip district and "dahntahn." Next picture is the Original Oyster Shop, oldest restaurant in pittsburgh (1878) located in Market Square. And finally scene from strip district, selling clothes on the sidewalk. I was approached by a guy who wanted $20 for a karaoke machine, with an extension cord still attached to it...since it was obviously hot, I declined, then the guy said he and his daughter need to eat, so I gave him the $10 I keep in my fanny pack. Pathetic.

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