Monday, June 09, 2008

How to destroy Earth

So I'm sitting in my office thinking, if mass and energy are the same (E = MC squared), how much energy is contained in earth's mass? (this is an example of the random thoughts I have during office hours, then a student shows up and wants to know if I drop the lowest grade, or if there is extra credit....). I found out that the mass of earth is 5,973,600,000 millions of trillion kilograms, and that einstein's constant is 3 (10)to the 8th squared. So lets say E = 6(10)to the 24th, times 3(10) to the eighth squared, which becomes 18 (10) to the 40 th kilograms,or
180,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 kilograms of energy. I dont know what this means, other than that is more energy than I can comprehend - one big explosion i guess. How much energy is given off by a super nova? I will have to look that up. (from the net: "If 10 kilograms of matter spontaneously turned into energy there would be enough energy to power a 100 Watt light bulb for 300 million years" - so if earth exploded the energy released would light a 100 watt bulb for eternity?)

The destruction of one kilogram would liberate nearly 1017 joules, 4.2 joules equals one ton of TNT, so earth's destruction would liberate the equivalency of 4.36 (10) to the 34 power tons of TNT. Hiroshima atomic bomb was approx 15000 tons of TNT, or earth destruction the equivalent of 3(10) to the 30th hiroshima atomic bombs, or 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 atomic bombs.

Now I can sleep at night, knowing how much energy the destruction of earth's mass would release.

In searching the web for such useful information I cam across this:
How to destroy the Earth )

Annihilated by an equivalent quantity of antimatter

You will need: An entire planet Earth made from antimatter


You will need: a universal fission machine (e.g. a particle accelerator), an unimaginable amount of energy

Sucked into a microscopic black hole

You will need: a microscopic black hole.

Cooked in a solar oven

You will need: Means for focusing a good few percent of the Sun's energy output directly on the Earth.

And so forth, follow the link to the site, its fascinating reading!

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